
Friday, December 19, 2014

From 'FAST' to 'FASTER'. The MR CLEAN Stroke trial: What does it mean to us?

The recently published MR CLEAN trial for interventional management of stroke is a major step towards management of acute ischemic stroke. The trial was conducted in Netherlands and compared medical management with medical management and interventional therapy. At the end of three months, a significantly greater proportion of patients in the interventional therapy group had good outcome than those in the medical treatment group (32.6% Vs 19.1%). Good functional outcome was 67% more likely in the interventional group.

This trial included patients with large artery strokes. Patients with large artery strokes have a clot occluding one of the major arteries that supply the brain such as the internal carotid artery or the middle cerebral artery. Such patients have a very high risk of disability and death. The currently approved treatment of such patients is tPA, a drug that is given intravenously and acts on the clot to dissolve it. However, tPA is able to dissolve only one-fifth of the clots. With the use of stentrievers, about 58% of the clots were removed leading to restoration of blood flow within the artery. A 'Stentriever' is a stent, a small wire cage, that is inserted from the groin through a catheter. When it reaches the clot in the brain, it expands and holds the clot. The stent is then pulled along with the clot.

With one person dying of stroke every 36 seconds in India, it is very essential to organize such stroke centers where appropriate treatment of acute stroke is undertaken in a protocol based manner. For, the general practitioners and neurologists, it is very important to collaborate with a stroke center with 24 x 7 availability of stroke neurologists, neurosurgeons and interventionists. Timely referral and treatment of acute stroke within 8 hours of onset of symptoms can potentially reverse the symptoms and prevent long term disability and death. The new phrase to identify and treat acute stroke is FASTER.

F - Face -Asymmetry of face
A - Arm - Arm weakness
S - Speech - Speech disturbance
T - Time - refer the patient to a stroke center immediately
E - Emergency - Treat stroke as an emergency
R - Restore - Restore blood flow in the vessel when appropriate

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